
匹兹堡Shady Side Academy原来只有一个房间的校舍荫边学院成立于1883年,在匹兹堡的荫边区一个只有一个房间的校舍. 自成立以来,Shady Side Academy经历了许多变化,包括增加了一个 Junior School in 1909, the move of the Senior School from the city to a "country" locale (Fox Chapel) in 1922, a merger with The Arnold School in 1940, the opening of the first standalone Middle School in Western Pennsylvania in 1958, coeducation in 1973, and a 2017 merger with Fox Chapel Country Day School, which gave the Academy a second elementary school campus, Country Day School.

Today, Shady Side Academy enrolls more than 1,100 students across four beautiful campuses, offering a unique and balanced education of academics, arts and athletics and a diverse and inclusive learning community. 几乎100%的SSA毕业生继续在a four-year college or university. The Academy boasts an extensive global network of alumni who remain an important part of the Shady Side community.

The Academy celebrated its quasquicentennial (125th) anniversary in 2008-2009.

Brief Historical Timeline


  • Shadyside长老教会的成员为他们的儿子们建立了一所大学预备学院, 名为“Shady Side Academy”,位于匹兹堡东区的Shadyside社区.
  • 这所学校最初的年级是7-12年级,被称为“I-VI”.”
  • William Ralston Crabbe成为Shady Side Academy的第一任“校长”


  • Shady Side Academy and three other schools form the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL); Principal Crabbe serves as the WPIAL’s first president.


  • 学院增设了一个初级教学部(K-6年级)。.


  • 校长路德·亚当斯邀请美国乡村日协会在匹兹堡开会, hosted by Shady Side Academy.


  • U.S. entry into World War I, 以及公立高中如皮博迪和申利的出现, results in a considerable drop in enrollment, and the Academy almost closes its doors forever.


  • Under new “headmaster” Harold Nomer, Shady Side Academy开始了它的第一个实质性的资本活动,并开始计划在福克斯教堂郊区的“乡村学校”校园.


  • Ground is broken at 423 Fox Chapel Road in February; builders lay cornerstone of Rowe Hall in May; and new “country school” campus opens in October with only two buildings (Rowe and Ellsworth) near completion.
  • Senior School (grades 8-12) moves to new Fox Chapel campus; Junior School (grades K-7) stays in Shadyside.


  • Shady Side Academy merges with The Arnold School for Boys; Arnold’s seven-acre campus on South Braddock Avenue in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Pittsburgh's East End becomes the Academy’s new Junior School campus.
  • Shadyside的原始财产被卖给了匹兹堡大学(后来又卖给了温彻斯特瑟斯顿学校).


  • Shady Side Academy在宾夕法尼亚州西部开设了第一所独立的中学, 在福克斯教堂高中北边的一座占地30英亩的豪宅里,为6-8年级的学生提供服务.
  • Shady Side Academy experiments with coeducation, 因为福克斯教堂没有当地6-8年级的女孩学校. 包括教师子女在内的44名女生在50年代末和60年代初就读于这所中学.
  • 非裔美国学生进入中学(后来在1964年进入初中,1966年进入高中)。.


  • 在短暂考虑过与埃利斯女子学校合并之后, Shady Side Academy的高中采用男女同校,第一批女孩被录取到9-12年级.  It would be nearly 25 years before coeducation is formally adopted at all three divisions (Junior School in 1994; Middle School in 1997).


  • 第一批K-12女性"终身工作者"毕业于Shady Side Academy.
  • Shady Side Academy在初中校园的一个新的独立设施中开设了一个学前班课程;


  • Shady Side Academy与PK-5独立学校Fox Chapel Country Day school合并, 哪个将成为学院的第二个小学(PK-5)校区, Shady Side Academy Country Day School in Fox Chapel.